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Global Mentorship Program

Global Mentorship Initiative

Speech Proficiency Assessments

Speech Proficiency Assessments

Career Navigation Assessments

Career Navigation Assessments

Global Mentorship Program

Global Mentorship Initiative

Speech Proficiency Assessments

Speech Proficiency Assessments

Career Navigation Assessments

Career Navigation Assessments

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12th World Education Summit 2018, Delhi

12th World Education Summit 2018, Delhi signed MoU with HireMee

" The World Education Summit is the premier international platform dedicated to innovation and creative action in education sector. Here, top decision-makers share insights with on-the- ground practitioners and opt to collaborate to rethink and find out various emerging opportunities in the education landscape at present and in near future."

"HireMee CEO & Founder, Chocko Valliappa, addresses the World Education Summit 2018, Delhi, as the Industry Speaker"

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