Royal Agro Farm Private Limited is engaged in the Poultry Business since 2017 incorporated under the Companies Act 2013 The Registered Office is situated at 46 Taylors Road Kilpauk Chennai 600010 and the Corporate Office located at 2 nd Floor 19 6 th Cross Street, Trustpuram Kodambakkam Chennai 600024. We have our own breeding, hatching, and broiler farms in a super hygienic environment in ultra modern bio secured farms keeping your health in mind.Our Chicken products doesnot contain preservatives, hormones, growth promoters and antibiotic residuals. We have also obtained the Trade Mark in the name of Royal Chicken to engage ourselves in the retail business and ensure Halal cut, antibiotic residue free, easy to cook, Premium produce delivered at your kitchen every day after stringent quality checks. Royal Chicken is India's first modern meat retail company for fresh proteins.