5 tips to increase the open rate of your job emails

If you have an email id (which everyone does), you must be used to getting a ton of emails every day. Now suppose your Company is into Entry level recruitment & have some amazing openings which need to be populated and you have gathered a list of promising job-seekers who you think would be a perfect fit for the job. You are planning to approach them through email. How will you ensure that your hiring mail will pop up instantly to the candidate?

We have collected valuable information and strategies towards confronting and acing this demanding task. Here we go:

Tip# 1:

Experts believe that the best way to achieve success in the field of talent assessment is by “personalization”. If the email is tailor-made according to the interest of the candidate, it will stand out from other emails in the clutter. Obviously, that demands extra efforts and time from your side but at the end of the day when you will be interviewing a candidate who got converted via your mail, you'd know all those extra efforts were worth it.

Tip# 2:

Always use a legitimate email address. By that, we mean an email address which consists of the recruiter's name and the Organization's name. Mails with no specific information end up landing in the spam/junk folder. Make sure you are not doing this basic mistake.

Tip# 3:

The headline makes the first impression with the candidate. It's the key to better conversions. It does not matter how in-depth and amazing the job description of my mail is, if the headline seems like a spam message, chances are the candidate might never open it. So there is no point of underrating a headline. Come up with headlines that will compel a candidate to open the mail.

Example: "Hello (candidate's name), still looking for a job? These jobs might interest you!".

Keep the headline as short as possible. This is another way to increase the email open rate.

Tip# 4:

Writing long paragraphs of a company's history might make the candidate lose interest in reading the mail. As much as the headline is important, the starting lines of your mail are equally important. They serve the purpose of hooking up the reader. Moreover, too much information overload about a company's history isn't going to affect a candidate's current situation or the upcoming jobs. 

Instead, your aim should be on the needs of the candidate and the job opening you are writing the mail about. Focus on elaborating about all the roles and responsibility the candidate is expected to do inside the company. Tell the candidate how his career will be enhanced if he joins your company.

Tip# 5:

The closing part of the mail is also important. Make the ending sentence and the salutation a little bit appealing. Instead of using the same old salutation like “Warm regards” and “Yours sincerely”, we would suggest you write something like “Enthusiastically” followed by your name. We have talked to a number of Online Assessment Platforms who are into providing hiring solutions and their everyday activity revolves around sending a lot of mails to interested candidates. According to them, candidates engage more with mails which have creative salutations and short texts in the mails.


Only sending emails without customizing them according to the needs of the candidate will not help you to engage with high caliber candidates. Take note - Creating a personalized email takes time and demands efforts, but also promises a better open-rate. So it would be wise if you work on improving your current email structure by customizing it.